Tuesday, March 26, 2013

After a long hiatus...

I am attempting to get back to writing. There are 2 reasons for this. One is that I'm on a well earned maternity break and I wish to use this time to do non work related things that I have been meaning to do for so long. Secondly, I want to document my thoughts, feelings etc.

An update: it's been almost 4 years since I last posted on this blog. Since then, a lot of things have happened but the most exciting one has been the arrival of my daughter, Anvika. even as I write this, I am filled with so much of gratitude! anvika is one month old today. She is a lovely child, quiet and non fussy, loves staring at colourful objects tha catch her eye. She has also started making eye contact  now and has smiled at me a total of 3 times so far :) ( just for the records, she first smiled on 21st March 2013)
It's past midnight and while I am feeling this burst of energy at the moment, I really need to catch some sleep so that I am able to manage her nighttime feeds.
All for now....