Wednesday, October 10, 2007

About us and this blog...

I am Ankita Diwekar-Kabra, a software engineer and a MBA. I run a preschool in Surat called Fountainhead Preschool along with my husband Vardan Kabra The school is in its 3rd year of operation with 175 + kids.
My main areas of interest in education are curriculum development and teachers' training.My other interests include reading, music, traveling and recently cooking!!!
BTW, Vardan and I have a new addition to our family. Sunay Kabra is all of 2 months, active, energetic and growing everyday. We are thoroughly enjoying our new role as parents- nappy changing, potty cleaning et al.

Am going to use this blog as a general one.. talk about work, life, Sunay, maybe share recipes etc.

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